Quick and easy homemade Recipes

  • Seared Salmon Turmeric Cauliflower Rice Bowl

    • 1 Wild Salmon Fillet

    • 1.5 cups cauliflower rice

    • 2 large Kale leaves torn into pieces

    • Turmeric

    • Cracked Pepper

    • Garlic salt

    • Coconut oil

    • Avocado oil

    • Microgreens

    • Coconut butter (for sprinkling)

    Heat a skillet over medium high heat with avocado oil for salmon. When slightly smoking add salmon, skin side down. While cooking I add salt and pepper and furiyake seasoning but this is optional. Cook 3/4 of the way through (about 3-4 min) then flip for another min or so.

    While heating salmon pan you can heat another pan with coconut oil and add kale, cauliflower rice, lots of turmeric (I don’t measure but maybe 1/2 tsp) and lots of fresh cracker pepper and a sprinkle of garlic salt. Cover for about 4 minutes.

    Toss cauliflower rice after 4 minute and serve salmon over rice. Sprinkle with microgreens and a spoonful of coconut butter and enjoy!

  • No-Bake Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

    • Quick Oats

    • Brown rice crispies

    • Butter

    • Brown sugar (Coconut, Maple or Monkfruit are my go-tos)

    • Honey

    • Vanilla

    • Mini Chocolate Chips (I use Enjoy Life)

    • Chia Seeds (optional)

    Mix together in a large bowl: 2 cups organic Quick oats, 1 cup brown rice crispies, and 1-2 Tbs Chia seeds (optional)

    Grease an 8x8 pan or line with parchment paper.

    Melt in a saucepan over medium high heat: 1/4 cup grass fed butter, 1/4 cup light brown sugar, and 1/4 cup honey. When bubbling reduce heat to low and stir 1-2 min until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and add 1 tsp vanilla.

    Pour liquid into large bowl and mix well. The pour into pan and using a piece of parchment paper press down mixture.Sprinkle scant 1/4 cup chocolate chips and press down again (very firmly)

    Refrigerate for at least one hour (I did mine night before), cut into bars and enjoy!

  • Maple Pecan Granola

    • 4 cups gluten free oats

    • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

    • 1/2 cup chopped pecan

    • 1/4 pepitas

    • 1/2 cup flax meal

    • 1 Tbs chia seeds

    • 2 tsp cinnamon

    • 1/3 cup melted coconut oil

    • 3/4 cup quality Vermont syrup

    • 1 tsp organic vanilla (alcohol free)

    Preheat oven to 300 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss all dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Whisk together maple syrup, vanilla and coconut oil in a small bowl then pour over dry ingredients and mix well. Spread granola over cookie sheet and bake for 40 min. Allow to cool for 30-40 min once out and enjoy!