Here’s what people are saying.

  • "Helen provides a deep understanding of nutrition and exercise in a professional and approachable manner. She cares about the progress you make. She takes a uniquely holistic approach to female fatigue and provides practical solutions with her wide knowledge of food and supplements. After meeting with Helen I was able to continue strength training with greater confidence knowing that I had the sufficient amount of protein, vitamins and minerals to work hard and see life-changing results. I’m now lifting twice the weight and have more energy for family, friends, work and the things I was putting off because I was just too tired. Thank You Helen, for being the catalyst for self-care and helping me tap into my life force again!"

    — Laurie

  • "I started following Helen's health page on IG a few years ago since I was friends with her through our gym.  She had some really insightful and fun posts and a lot of what she said really resonated with me.  I am a busy mom of 2 and, like most moms. was constantly feeling stressed and burnt out both physically and emotionally.  But I was having some other issues too, mostly digestive issues and spent most days not feeling great.  I'd tried cutting things out of my diet and was getting plenty of exercise so I was frustrated just wanting to feel good. I finally decided to schedule a call with Helen to see what her program was about and after a few (emotional) minutes of talking to her, I knew I had to take part.  I can't say this enough; this was one of the best decisions I have ever made!  She helped me make a few big changes at first and then each week we made some little tweaks to my diet and lifestyle to keep me moving in the right direction.  Helen helped me add things that I was lacking but also identified areas of my life where I was doing too much.  I haven't felt so good in a few years.  While I know I'm still a work in progress, I now have so much knowledge to help me make better decisions with food and just day to day life."

    — Jessica

  • "I came to Helen during one of the most difficult phases of my adult life. I was extremely unhappy in my professional life while balancing a family and it was taking a toll on my mind, body, and soul. Helen approaches her clients in a non-judgmental, holistical manner. Although I came to Helen with certain areas I wanted to focus and improve  upon, Helen asked very key questions that allowed me to uncover how I could focus on other areas of my life which would inevitably help me tackle my original goals. What makes Helen unique and so incredibly good at her craft is the fact she is consistently researching, learning, and testing out foods, supplements, exercise trends, and alternative medicines and therapies because she is truly interested and curious and we in turn as clients benefit from her dedication and knowledge. My favorite part of my journey with Helen was the pantry cleanout. It was truly eye opening to learn how many different chemicals are in the food we eat. Helen came to my house and we dug through my fridge and cabinets and carefully read the ingredients on every item. What was equally eye opening, yet promising were the healthy alternatives that Helen educated me on; from marinades to condiments ti desserts and drinks and everything in between. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, totally overwhelmed with any aspect of your mental or physical health, or just need a fresh perspective and a kind soul in your life, Helen is your woman!"

    — Kathryn

  • "Helen’s knowledge of and passion for holistic health is matched by her warm and caring nature! She uses evidence-based practices and her own extensive personal research to create effective wellness programming. She has given me invaluable guidance on everything from daily wellness practices to effective exercise to which foods can help me to reduce stress and bloat while increasing energy! She listens to each client’s individual needs to help develop wellness goals and tailor plans that work for them. Helen, you are a wellness lifeline for so many of us!"

    — Emily

  • "Working with Helen has been such a positive and uplifting experience. She is a wealth of knowledge and truly cares about improving the lives of others. She was compassionate and flexible and I highly recommend her for anyone looking to learn more about living a healthy and fulfilling life!"

    — Nicole